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Every breastfeeding journey is different. We believe that our bodies were perfectly designed to birth and breastfeed our babies, but sometimes there are some obstacles or challenges with breastfeeding.
These one-on-one sessions will enable you to reach your personal goals as well as overcome challenges of breastfeeding during your journey. Sessions include an assessment with guidance and support in the comfort of your own home. We want to empower you with the knowledge before we discuss possibilities as well as find a solution together - no matter what your goals are.
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We offer homebirths in the northern suburbs and surrounding areas of Cape Town as well as births at a gorgeous exclusive birth-suite in Durbanville (homebirth away from home)
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During the first consultation we will take a full medical history and do an assessment of the mother: blood pressure, urine tests, weight management, physical assessment and drawing of any blood tests; as well as baby's well-being: monitoring growth, fetal movements as well as the baby’s heart rate.
We then discuss all available options for the birth as well as pregnancy advice with not only physical aspects like nutrition, supplementation and exercise; but also emotional and spiritual support in preparation for labour, birth and motherhood.
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
Colossians 3:2
Colossians 3:2
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